Career Development Center CDC
The Directorate of Teaching Quality Assurance has officially started its activities in 2010. It has successfully functioned so far and has had a positive impact on the process of education.
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Who We Are
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Integer aliquam a lectus sit amet malesuada.
Integer aliquam a lectus sit amet malesuada.
Integer aliquam a lectus sit amet malesuada.
Our Vision
The Career Development Center (CDC) at the University of Sulaimani will be acknowledged by the University community as the comprehensive resource for providing qualified programs, services and events which are met the career development needs of graduated students and engaging them as active participants in exploring and pursuing their career aspirations leading to meaningful and purposeful contributions to our society. CDC aims to build a strong relationship with the Faculties and employers. Our goal is to become the primary resource for career information on Sulaimani university campus.
Our Mission
The Career Development Center (CDC) at the University of Sulaimani is committed to helping our graduated students in order to develop, understand and connect their liberal arts, educational experience with their future goals.
Our career development center counsellors guide undergraduates through choosing a major, career planning, job search and graduate schools options. It provides the high quality of activities, support and training courses including resume & personal statement reviews, mock interviews, workshops, access to employment opportunities, and career assessment testing and interpretation to students and recent alumni.
Our Goal
The Career Development Center (CDC) at the University of Sulaimani is committed to helping our graduated students in order to develop, understand and connect their liberal arts, educational experience with their future goals.
Our career development center counsellors guide undergraduates through choosing a major, career planning, job search and graduate schools options. It provides the high quality of activities, support and training courses including resume & personal statement reviews, mock interviews, workshops, access to employment opportunities, and career assessment testing and interpretation to students and recent alumni.
Our Staff
Our Activity
Job Seeking
Nunc ut felis sit amet metus venenatis
Sed quis lacinia elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc posuere ultrices lobortis. Nulla condimentum fermentum pretium. Donec leo nisi, semper eu iaculis eget, vestibulum et erat. Nullam mollis placerat sodales. Nullam mi orci, congue in ex quis, fringilla aliquet nisl. Aliquam vehicula lorem volutpat elit viverra, in aliquet erat ultrices. Aenean scelerisque elit at libero semper fermentum. Nulla luctus, enim eu faucibus lobortis, dolor purus imperdiet magna, sed elementum ipsum ipsum non nisi. Morbi eget nisi vitae ligula congue feugiat